3 Back workout

Perform back workout to increase Athleticism and Quality of life. Stronger upper body muscle back muscle specially are not only key for a balance body, but they are also your best defense against pain and injury. A strong back is key for your overall health and wellness, but you need to train it right to… Continue reading 3 Back workout

4 Chest workout 4 चेस्ट वर्कआऊट

चेस्ट वर्कआउट chest workout एक बेस्ट वर्कआउट हे जिससे करके बॉडी में बहुत चेंज दिखाई देगा और सीना चौड़ा दिखेगा . बहुत से पुरुषोंका सपना होता हे के उनका शरीर का चेस्ट पार्ट चौडा दिखे. चौड़ा सीना होने पे टी शर्ट भी पहनते हे तो बहुत अट्रैक्टिव दिखता हे. Bigger chest के लिये 4 ईजी… Continue reading 4 Chest workout 4 चेस्ट वर्कआऊट

Inner chest workout best 3

Inner chest workout  If you want to build the best version of your chest, you need to look beyond the bench press. These are the best chest workout you can perform to blast your inner chest. Building the inner chest can be one of the trickiest parts of training your upper body part. This area… Continue reading Inner chest workout best 3

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